Patients need more than medicines

Jorge Ovidio Calel Tecún

Patients need more than medicines

Jorge Ovidio Calel Tecún studied in 2013 in the School of Nursing Assistants, an apprenticeship that helped him to find work in May 2014. Although his experience goes beyond the work, in the Institute of Cancerology he obtained an opportunity to be part of the Head of the Department of Nursing to develop positions such as the CT clinic or the intensive care room. These first steps in the healthcare world brought him extraordinary pride, as well as providing care to the patients, he also gave him the confidence to promote all his abilities and offer specific care.

A very exciting family
present and future

In September of 2015 he received a diploma in Honor of Merit for being a good worker, recognizing the quality of his service and highlighting his values, as well as important aspects such as the excellent care of the sick. Jorge Ovidio has always followed the instructions carefully and, three years after finishing his studies, he himself decided to fellowship two of his brothers for the same course in the School of Nursing Assistants. Their idea is that they learn by training also in people skills, because patients need more than medicines. A very exciting family present and future.



Jorge Ovidio Calel Tecún studied in 2013 in the School of Nursing Assistants, an apprenticeship that helped him to find work in May 2014.